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Marching Bands
Varsity Marching Band

The Millard West Varsity Marching Band consists of approximately 130 students in grades 9-12. It is one of the premier marching organizations in the Midwest. The band focuses extensively on tone quality, marching technique, articulation, and overall musicality. Auditions are held in the spring.


The band travels during the fall semester to compete at regional competitions. Some years, the band will travel to national competitions as well. The band also performs at all home varsity football games with a pregame show, pep band songs in the stands, and a halftime performance of their competition field show.


Junior Varsity Marching Band

The Millard West Junior Varsity Marching Band consists of approximately 40 students. The band focuses extensively on tone quality, marching technique, articulation, and overall musicality.


A one-week band camp is held in July where students are taught basic marching techniques and pregame music for the football games.


The band performs the pregame show and pep band songs in the stands along with the Varsity Marching Band at all home varsity football games. The band learns its own show and performs during the last home varsity football game. Members of the JV band are encouraged to become pit crew members for the varsity band and travel along to help the band at competitions. 

Color Guard/Winter Guard

The Color Guards perform choreographed dances and routines with various equipment, such as flags, rifles, and sabres, to visually enhance and interpret the music of the marching band show.


Color Guard/Winter Guard is open to all Millard West students in grades 9 through 12. Band students who are interested in becoming a Color Guard may also audition.

Concert Bands
Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is an audition band comprised of students in grades 10 through 12, and select 9th graders. The ensemble focuses on advanced instrumental technique, music history, and music literacy. This group performs advanced modern winds band literature and classic literature.


Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is comprised of students in grades 10 through 12, and select 9th graders. The band focuses on advanced instrumental technique, music history, and music literacy. This group performs both modern winds band literature and classic literature.


Concert Band

The Concert Band is comprised primarily of freshman students. The band focuses on advancing their instrumental technique, music history, and music literacy. This group performs both modern winds band literature and classic literature.

Jazz Ensembles

Millard West's Jazz Program consists of 30-50 students who audition for placement into two ensembles, Auditions are in the fall after the completion of the marching band season.​ Participation to the jazz ensembles is extracurricular.


Jazz I

Jazz I competes in several competitions and performs in local community events each year. They rehearse two nights a week after school from December through May. Several members of Jazz 1 have also participated in All-State Jazz Band.


Jazz II

Jazz II focuses on improving its members' understanding of improvisation, jazz articulation, and ensemble cohesiveness. They perform in several competitions each year and rehearse two nights a week after school from December through May.​

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